Crystals & Reiki

Himalayan Quartz Cluster: Green Chlorite - 11.5cm Harmony

Key Benefits:


Crystal(s): -Quartz
Origin: -Himalayas
Size (cm):- 21x5.2x5
Weight (Kg): -1
Key Features: -Rainbows, clarity & highest vibrational crystal known
Emotional Benefits:,-Clears negativity, mental clarity, balances emotions, promotes positivity
Physical Benefits: ,-Relieves chronic pain, boosts immune system, detoxifies toxins
Spiritual Benefits: ,-Connects to divine universal consciousness, amplifies intentions, cleanses & balances chakras, protects against spiritual attacks,
Additional Information: From the highest peaks in the world, Tibetan Monks have meditated with Himalayan Quartz for centuries. Himalayan Quartz is the highest known vibrational crystal.

** All our crystals are cleansed and charged in-house by a Reiki Master **

Immerse yourself in the mystical ambiance of the Himalayan mountains with our awe-inspiring Himalayan Quartz Cluster, boasting intricate Green Chlorite inclusions. This magnificent specimen stands at an impressive 11.5cm, commanding attention with its majestic presence and captivating allure.

  • Geological Marvel: Crafted over millennia by the relentless forces of nature, each quartz crystal within this cluster bears witness to the geological marvels of the Himalayas.

  • Clarity and Amplification: Renowned for their exceptional clarity and amplification properties, these crystals serve as conduits of divine energy, illuminating your space with their radiant glow and elevating the spiritual essence of any environment.

  • Renewal and Vitality: Green Chlorite, delicately interwoven amidst the quartz matrix, infuses the cluster with its verdant hues, imbuing it with a sense of vitality and harmony.

  • Grounding Connection: As you gaze upon the intricate patterns and textures of the chlorite inclusions, you'll feel a deep connection to the earth's energy, grounding you in the present moment and fostering a profound sense of balance.

Each cluster is a unique masterpiece of nature, meticulously crafted by the hand of time and imbued with its own distinct personality. No two specimens are alike, ensuring that your Himalayan Quartz Cluster is as individual as you are.

  • Unique Masterpiece: Each cluster is a unique masterpiece of nature, meticulously crafted by the hand of time and imbued with its own distinct personality.

  • Versatile Decor: Whether displayed as a centerpiece in your home, office, or meditation space, this beautiful piece serves as a constant reminder of the beauty and resilience of the natural world.

Experience the transformative power of Himalayan Quartz as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Allow the soothing energies of Green Chlorite to cleanse your aura and uplift your spirit, guiding you towards a state of inner peace and harmony.

Elevate your surroundings and awaken your soul with the breathtaking beauty of our Himalayan Quartz Cluster.