Crystals & Reiki

Himalayan Smoky Quartz Obelisks - Potent Energy Cleansing

Key Benefits:

GroundingProtectionCalmingAura CleansingEMF ProtectionFear Reduction

Crystal(s): -Smoky Quartz
Origin: -Himalayas
Size (cm):- 6
Weight (Kg): -0.097
Key Features: -Rainbows, clarity & highest vibrational crystal known
Emotional Benefits:,-Stress relief, emotional calmness, fear reduction, release of negative emotions, and enhanced resilience.
Physical Benefits: ,-Pain relief, detoxification, improved circulation, enhanced healing, and immune system support.
Spiritual Benefits: ,-Spiritual grounding, meditation enhancement, aura cleansing, connection to nature, and energy detoxification.
Additional Information: From the highest peaks in the world, Tibetan Monks have meditated with Himalayan Smoky Quartz for centuries. Himalayan Smoky Quartz is the highest known vibrational crystal.

** All our crystals are cleansed and charged in-house by a Reiki Master **

Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating energy of our Himalayan Smoky Quartz Obelisks. Meticulously crafted from premium-grade Smoky Quartz sourced from the Himalayan mountains, these exquisite obelisks serve as a powerful tool for energy cleansing and revitalisation.

  • Potent Energy Cleansing: Himalayan Smoky Quartz Obelisks are renowned for its ability to cleanse and purify energy, creating a harmonious and balanced environment. Their gentle yet effective vibrations sweep through your space, dissolving negativity and promoting a sense of clarity and tranquility.

  • Detoxification and Renewal: Smoky Quartz is a powerful detoxifier, drawing out negative energies and impurities from your surroundings. By absorbing and transmuting these energies, this obelisk promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

  • Grounding and Stability: Smoky Quartz obelisks act as an anchor to the earth's energy, providing a sense of stability and grounding. It helps you stay centered amidst life's challenges, fostering resilience and inner strength.

  • Enhanced Clarity and Focus: The transparent clarity of Smoky Quartz enhances mental clarity and focus, allowing you to think more clearly and make decisions with confidence. It clears away mental fog and distractions, promoting a greater sense of purpose and direction.

  • Emotional Healing: Smoky Quartz soothes emotional wounds and promotes emotional balance and well-being. It helps release pent-up emotions and negative patterns, allowing you to let go of the past and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

  • Versatile Usage: Whether used in meditation, placed on your desk, or incorporated into energy healing practices, these Himalayan Smoky Quartz Obelisks offer versatile benefits. Keep them close to you to experience its cleansing and revitalising energy throughout the day.

Indulge in the transformative energy of our Himalayan Smoky Quartz Obelisks and experience a profound sense of renewal, clarity, and inner peace. Let their radiant vibrations uplift your spirit and create a sanctuary of harmony and balance in your space.