Crystals & Reiki

Mystical Power of Himalayan Quartz Obelisk 17.7cm

Key Benefits:

HealingProtectionSpiritualityEnergisingManifestingPain Relief

Crystal(s): -Quartz
Origin: -Himalayas
Size (cm):- 17.7x4.4x4.3
Weight (Kg): -0.55
Key Features: -Rainbows, clarity & highest vibrational crystal known
Emotional Benefits:,-Clears negativity, mental clarity, balances emotions, promotes positivity
Physical Benefits: ,-Relieves chronic pain, boosts immune system, detoxifies toxins
Spiritual Benefits: ,-Connects to divine universal consciousness, amplifies intentions, cleanses & balances chakras, protects against spiritual attacks,
Additional Information: From the highest peaks in the world, Tibetan Monks have meditated with Himalayan Quartz for centuries. Himalayan Quartz is the highest known vibrational crystal.

** All our crystals are cleansed and charged in-house by a Reiki Master **

Uncover the Mystical Power of Himalayan Quartz!

Elevate Your Space with Himalayan Magic

Transform your home into a sanctuary of serenity with our Himalayan Quartz Obelisk. Crafted from quartz formed at the lofty peaks of the Himalayas, where Tibetan Buddhist Monks have meditated for centuries, this 17.7cm obelisk radiates a unique energy that uplifts and revitalizes any space. Let its tranquil vibes bring harmony and balance to your surroundings.

Experience the Healing Energies of Himalayan Quartz

Harness the potent healing properties of Himalayan Quartz. Known for its ability to cleanse negative energy and amplify positive vibrations, this crystal obelisk is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and emotional healing. Whether you're meditating, practicing mindfulness, or simply seeking peace, let the soothing energy of Himalayan Quartz guide you on your journey to inner harmony.

Connect with Ancient Wisdom and Inner Peace

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the ages with Himalayan Quartz. As you gaze upon its shimmering surface, feel a sense of connection to the ancient traditions of the Himalayan region. Let the presence of this sacred crystal remind you to embrace the present moment and find solace in the stillness of your own heart.