Crystals & Reiki

Garnet & Tourmaline Tower: Protection & Grounding

Key Benefits:

Enhances VitalityPowerful ProtectionStimulates CreativityManifests Goals & DesiresFosters Harmony In RelationshipsHeals Emotionally, Physically & Spiritually


** All our crystals are cleansed and charged in-house by a Reiki Master **

Enhance Protection with Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Points

Experience the powerful protective energy of our Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Points, designed to offer ultimate protection and grounding. Each tower point is meticulously crafted to highlight the unique combination of garnet and tourmaline, creating a stunning crystal that shields you from negative energies and promotes a sense of security.

Exceptional Craftsmanship

Our Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Points are expertly shaped to showcase the deep red hues of garnet intertwined with the protective black tones of tourmaline. The tower design not only enhances its visual appeal but also focuses and amplifies the crystal's protective energy, making it an ideal tool for meditation, energy work, or as a striking decorative piece.

Ultimate Protection and Grounding

Garnet is known for its ability to boost energy and confidence, while tourmaline is celebrated for its protective and grounding properties. Combined, these tower points provide a balanced energy that shields you from negativity and grounds your spirit. Incorporate these crystals into your daily routine to feel protected and secure.

Natural Beauty and Dynamic Energy

Each Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Point is a unique masterpiece, with distinct patterns and color variations. The blend of garnet and tourmaline creates a visually stunning and energetically dynamic crystal that serves both as a protective tool and a beautiful addition to your space.

Versatile and Powerful Design

The sleek design of our Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Points makes them suitable for any environment. Whether placed in your meditation area, office, or living room, these tower points enhance the aesthetic and energetic quality of your surroundings. Their tall, pointed form is both functional and decorative, serving as a focal point for your protection practices.

A Thoughtful and Empowering Gift

Looking for a unique and meaningful gift? Our Garnet in Tourmaline Tower Points are perfect for anyone who values the beauty and power of crystals. Share the gift of protection and grounding with your loved ones, helping them harness their inner strength and shield themselves from negative influences.

Elevate Your Protection Practices

Embrace the powerful combination of garnet and tourmaline with our exquisitely crafted tower points. Enhance your sense of security, ground your energy, and bring dynamic protection into your life with these stunning crystals. Let the energy of garnet and tourmaline guide you towards a more protected and balanced existence.