Nourishing Green Friends: Reiki for Your Plants

Oct 20, 2023Stuart Ryall

Reiki for Plants: How to Nourish Your Green Friends with Healing Energy

Hey there, plant whisperer! If you have a green thumb and a heart full of love for your leafy companions, you're in for a treat. Reiki, the ancient practice of channeling healing energy, isn't just for humans—it can also work wonders for your beloved plants. In this guide, we'll explore how you can use Reiki to nourish and support the growth of your botanical buddies.

1. Understanding Reiki for Plants

Before we dive into the "how," let's understand the "what" and "why" of Reiki for plants. Reiki is a form of energy healing that seeks to balance the life force energy (Ki or Chi) within and around living beings. Just as it benefits humans and animals, Reiki can also harmonise and enhance the energy of plants, promoting their well-being and growth.

2. The Benefits of Reiki for Plants

- Enhanced Growth: Reiki can accelerate the growth of your plants by providing them with an abundance of positive energy.

- Healthier Leaves and Blooms: When you infuse your plants with Reiki energy, they are better equipped to maintain healthy leaves and vibrant blooms.

- Increased Resilience: Reiki can boost a plant's ability to withstand stressors like pests and environmental changes.

- Balanced Energy: Just like humans, plants can have energy imbalances. Reiki helps to restore equilibrium.

3. Preparing for Reiki with Plants

- Choose a Calm Environment: Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed, and where your plants can relax and receive the energy undisturbed.

- Cleansing: Just as you would cleanse yourself before a Reiki session, wash your hands to remove any negative energy.

- Center Yourself: Take a few deep breaths to center your energy and focus your intention on providing healing energy to your plants.

4. Connecting with Your Plants

- Gentle Touch: Approach your plants with a sense of reverence. Gently touch the leaves or the soil while mentally connecting with their energy.

- Visualise: Close your eyes and visualise a bright, healing light radiating from your hands. Imagine this light enveloping your plants.

5. Performing Reiki

Use the following techniques to direct Reiki energy to your plants:

- Gassho (Prayer Position): Place your hands together in prayer position and offer gratitude and intention for the plant's well-being.

- Reiji-ho (Eliciting the Flow of Reiki Energy)

Now, shift from the Gassho position to the Reiji-ho technique. Raise your hands to your third eye region while maintaining a prayer-like posture. As you do this, kindly request Reiki to steer your intuition. Invoke your spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, and any other entities with whom you have a deep resonance. This action symbolises your commitment to welcoming the flow of Reiki energy for the benefit of the plant.

- Byosen Reikan-ho (Scanning): Pass your hands over the plant, scanning for areas that may need extra attention.

- Choku Rei (Power Symbol): Draw the power symbol in the air above the plant and visualise it infusing the plant with vitality.

- Sei He Ki (Mental/Emotional Symbol): Draw the mental/emotional symbol to bring emotional balance to the plant.

- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance Symbol): Use the distance symbol if you have potted plants or a garden, as it allows you to send Reiki energy from a distance.

6. Sending Reiki Energy

- Place your hands over the plant and let the Reiki energy flow. Visualise the plant soaking up this energy like water through its roots.

7. Listen and Observe

As you offer Reiki, pay attention to your plants. They may respond in subtle ways, such as new growth, brighter leaves, or a sense of vitality.

8. Frequent Sessions

Just as you need regular Reiki sessions for optimal well-being, your plants benefit from consistent energy. Offer Reiki to your plants regularly to support their continuous growth and health.

9. Gratitude and Closure

Conclude the session by expressing gratitude to your plants and to the universal life force energy. Offer a final prayer or intention for their well-being.

10. Maintain a Healthy Environment

Ensure your plants have the right conditions for growth, including appropriate sunlight, water, and care.

Reiki for plants is a beautiful way to deepen your connection with your botanical friends and support their growth and well-being. Your plants will thrive under the influence of positive energy, and you'll experience a stronger bond with your green companions. With Reiki, your plants will not only look healthier but radiate positive energy into your home or garden. Happy gardening!

With love and light,


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