Welcoming Your Crystals: What to Do When You Receive Them

Oct 19, 2023Stuart Ryall

Welcoming Your Crystals: What to Do When You Receive Them

Congratulations on your new crystals! Whether you've chosen them for their healing properties, spiritual significance, or their sheer beauty, you're embarking on an exciting journey with these precious gems. To make the most of your crystal experience, it's essential to know what to do when you receive your crystals. In this post, we'll guide you through the steps to ensure a harmonious start with your new crystal companions.

1. Unboxing Your Crystals with Mindfulness

When your crystals arrive, it's a moment of anticipation and excitement. Take a deep breath and approach this unboxing with mindfulness. Create a calm and sacred space to connect with your crystals. Light some incense, play soothing music, or simply find a quiet corner where you can focus your attention.

2. Express Gratitude

Begin by expressing gratitude for your crystals. This simple act sets the intention that you're open to the wisdom and energy they bring. Hold your crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and silently or verbally thank them for choosing you.

3. Get to Know Your Crystals

Take some time to get acquainted with your crystals. Examine their colours, shapes, and unique characteristics. Each crystal is different and may have specific features or inclusions that make it special. Gently hold and touch them, feeling their energy and texture.

4. Cleanse Your Crystals

Before using your crystals, it's essential to cleanse them of any lingering energy from their journey to you. There are various methods for cleansing, including:

- Smudging: Pass your crystals through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. Ensure the smoke envelops each crystal.

- Saltwater Bath: Immerse your crystals in a bowl of saltwater, preferably using sea salt or Himalayan salt. Allow them to soak for a few hours or overnight, then rinse them thoroughly under running water. (Please note: certain crystals are not suitable for water cleansing).

- Selenite: Place your crystals on a selenite charging plate or beside a selenite wand. Selenite is known for its purifying properties and can help cleanse your crystals.

- Sunlight and Moonlight: Leave your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours. This natural method can recharge and cleanse them, but be cautious with certain crystals, as prolonged sunlight exposure may fade their colours.

- Intentional Visualisation: Hold your crystals and envision a bright white, cleansing light surrounding them. Imagine any negative or stagnant energy being washed away, leaving your crystals fresh and vibrant.

5. Set Your Intentions

With your crystals cleansed and ready, it's time to set your intentions. Your intentions are your wishes and desires that you hope to manifest with the help of your crystals. Hold your crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and focus on what you wish to achieve. State your intentions clearly and firmly, infusing your crystals with your desires.

6. Find the Right Place for Your Crystals

Now that your crystals are cleansed and charged with your intentions, it's time to find the perfect spot for them. You can place them in various locations, depending on your goals:

- On Your Altar: If you have a spiritual altar, your crystals can find a special place there. They can enhance the energy of your sacred space.

- In Your Living Space: Display your crystals in your living room, bedroom, or workspace to enjoy their presence daily. They can bring positive energy and beauty to your environment.

- Under Your Pillow: Some people like to place specific crystals under their pillows for enhanced dreams, relaxation, or meditation.

- Carry Them with You: Keep one or more crystals in your pocket, purse, or wear them as jewellery. This way, they'll be with you throughout your day.

7. Connect with Your Crystals Regularly

To maintain a strong connection with your crystals, engage with them regularly. Meditate with them, hold them during moments of reflection, or simply hold and admire them. The more you interact with your crystals, the deeper your connection will become.

8. Record Your Experiences

Keep a crystal journal to record your experiences and observations. Note any changes in your emotions, thoughts, or energy levels when working with specific crystals. This journal can help you track your progress and deepen your understanding and connection of each crystal's unique energy.

In conclusion, receiving your new crystals is an exciting beginning to a meaningful journey. By approaching this experience with mindfulness and intention, cleansing and charging your crystals, and connecting with them regularly, you'll unlock the full potential of these precious gems. Embrace your crystal companions and let them guide you on your path to healing, growth, and self-discovery. Enjoy your crystal journey!

With love and light,


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