How To Charge Your Crystals with Reiki Energy: Step-by-Step Guide

Oct 20, 2023Stuart Ryall

How To Charge Your Crystals with Reiki Energy: Step-by-Step Guide

Charging your crystals with Reiki energy can amplify their vibrations and enhance their healing properties. The Usui Reiki practice provides a powerful and structured method for infusing your crystals with life force energy. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process, including which Usui Reiki symbols to use.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Place your crystals on a clean and energetically neutral surface, such as a cloth or a wooden table. If you're a new practitioner ensure you have the necessary Reiki symbols handy, including the Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol), Sei Hei Ki (Mental/Emotional Symbol), Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance/Time Symbol) and if you're a new Reiki Master, Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol). 

Step 2: Gassho - Grounding and Focusing

Begin your session with the Gassho gesture. Gently bring your hands together at the heart center in a prayer position. As you do so, you ground yourself in the present moment, center your energy, and focus your intention. Gassho signifies the merging of your intentions with the universal life force energy, setting the tone for your crystal charging session.

Step 3: Reiji-ho - Invoking Reiki's Flow

At this point, transition from Gassho to the Reiji-ho practice. Raise your hands to the third eye area, keeping them in a prayer position, as you ask Reiki to guide your intuition. This signifies your intent to open yourself up to the flow of Reiki energy for the well-being of the recipient (your crystals).

Step 4: Hold Your Crystals

Hold the crystals in your dominant hand. You may choose to hold them one at a time or all together, depending on your comfort and intention. Close your eyes and take a few calming breaths.

Step 5: Send Healing Intentions

While holding your crystals, focus on your specific intentions for them. What purpose do you want them to serve? Whether it's healing, protection, guidance, or amplifying energy, clearly state your intentions. Visualise your intentions flowing from your heart and hands into the crystals.

Step 6: Cho Ku Rei - The Power Symbol

Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol (the Power Symbol) in the air above your crystals. Visualise the symbol glowing with white light. This symbol empowers and intensifies the energy within your crystals. You can silently or audibly say, "Cho Ku Rei (repeat 3 times), empower these crystals with your light." Please note that some practitioners like to draw the symbols on the crystals. This doesn't resonate with me and can complicate the ritual due to small crystals or irregular shapes like clusters. Please do what resonates with you. Your intentions are the most important factor in Reiki.

Step 7: Sei Hei Ki - The Mental/Emotional Symbol

Visualise the Sei Hei Ki symbol (the Mental/Emotional Symbol) above your crystals. See it radiating a pink light, which is associated with love and healing. You can silently or audibly say, "Sei Hei Ki (repeat 3 times), infuse these crystals with emotional and mental healing energy."

Step 8: Send Healing Intentions

While holding your crystals, focus on your specific intentions for them. What purpose do you want them to serve? Whether it's healing, protection, guidance, or amplifying energy, clearly state your intentions. Visualise your intentions flowing from your heart and hands into the crystals.

Step 9: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - The Distance/Time Symbol

Now, draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol (the Distance/Time Symbol) in the air above your crystals. Visualise this symbol emitting a golden light, signifying the connection across time and space. You can silently or audibly say, "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (repeat 3 times), connect these crystals with the energy of Reiki across time and space."

Step 10: Dai Ko Myo - The Master Symbol

Now, bring the Dai Ko Myo symbol (the Master Symbol) into the practice. Visualise this powerful symbol above your crystals, radiating a brilliant white light. The Dai Ko Myo symbol represents the ultimate source of enlightenment and healing. You can silently or audibly say, "Dai Ko Myo (repeat 3 times), infuse these crystals with the purest healing energy."

Step 11: Channel Reiki Energy

With your intentions set and the symbols activated, let the Reiki energy flow through you and into your crystals. Visualise a stream of white or golden light pouring from the palms of your hands into the crystals. Trust the energy to do its work, and let it flow for at least 5-10 minutes.

Step 12: Visualise Cleansing and Balancing

As you channel the Reiki energy, visualise it cleansing and balancing the energies within the crystals. See any negativity or blockages dissolving and being replaced by pure, vibrant light.

Step 13: Cho Ku Rei - Sealing the Energy

To seal the energy within your charged crystals, draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol once again in the air above them. This time, visualize the symbol creating a protective and empowering barrier around your crystals. Say, "Cho Ku Rei (repeat 3 times), seal and protect the energy within these crystals."

Step 14: Express Gratitude

Finish your Reiki crystal charging session by expressing gratitude for the healing and balancing energy you've channeled. Say or think words of thanks to the crystals and to the universal life force energy.

Step 15: Conclude the Session

Place your crystals on your chosen surface and let them rest for a while. It's essential to allow them to integrate the energy you've channeled into them. You can keep them on your Reiki altar, in a special pouch, or on a windowsill to bask in natural sunlight or moonlight for further cleansing and charging.

Remember, charging your crystals with Reiki energy is a personal and intuitive process. Feel free to modify these steps to suit your unique connection with your crystals. Trust your instincts, and you'll discover a deeper bond with your crystals and their enhanced healing potential.

With love and light,


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